I just make lists...that's all


To watch on delay tonight-4/7/11

Breaking In - Fox
Justified - FX
Top Chef Masters - Bravo

Last night I caught up on watching the series premiere of the AMC original series The Killing. It is wonderfully paced, well acted. It brings to mind the depth of character and steady drip of plot development of the Red Riding Trilogy.


What I Hope to Share with My Child: Culture


Being able to enjoy film and appreciate it on an artistic and/or narrative level has been something that has enriched and opened my life. It was instilled by insightful and creative parents and something I hope to be able to bring to my own child's life.

Mia and Migoo - I just came across the slide show for this beautiful hand-drawn French film, "Mia and the Migoo" which won the best-animated feature at the 2009 European Film Awards.


TV Shows!

That Mitchell and Webb Look (YouTube)
Mr. Show
Breaking Bad
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Mad Men

Downtown Abbey (can't find it)
Sherlock (Surfthechannel.com)
Top Chef (Surfthechannel.com)
Parks & Recreation (hulu)
Law & Order: SVU (that show is just so watchable!) (Netflix INSTANT!)
Modern Family (hulu)
Parenthood (hulu)
Lie to Me (hulu)
The Soup (hulu-clips)
Raising Hope (hulu)


Movies to See This Holiday Season

(In order of release date)

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - CGI
The Tourist - Creepy Beard and BigLips Houlihan
How Do You Know - Sprite, Butterscotch Stallion, Paul "Funniest Everyman Alive" Rudd and An Old Person
Tron: Legacy - CGI and A CGI Old Person
True Grit - Same Old Person as in Tron: Legacy (and maybe still CGI?), Jason Bourne in a ten-gallon hat, Some Actor's Son

Gnomeo & Juliet (NOT 3-D) sadly does not come out until February and it will take some REAL convincing to get Nikki to see that on Valentine's day...especially if the Gnomes don't commit suicide at the end - she's a purist.

DC Restaurant Wants

DC-3 - hotdogs
423 8th St. SE (Capital Hill)

Ted's Bulletin - diner
505 8th St. SE (Capital Hill)

Matchbox - pizza
713 H St. NW (Capital Hill)

Rugby - hamburgers
1065 Wisconsin Ave. (Georgetown)

Cafe La Ruche - french bistro
1039 31st St. NW (Georgetown)


Jump to 2010!

Things I still want to do:

Order food from somewhere and have it delivered by MAIL!
Eat at Al Carbon
See a production at the Kennedy Center
Sew my own Christmas cards
Teach my cat Montgomery to dance the Nutcracker (the Balanchine - wide, deep plie)
Make Montgomery his own crotched stocking


Movies to See

The Three Burials of Mequiades Estrada
Why We Fight
Letters from Iwo Jima
Little Children
The Lives of Others
The Wind That Shakes the Barley
The Painted Veil
Breaking and Entering
The Host
4 luni, 3 saptamini si 2 zile (4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days) - Palme d'Or, Cannes 2007
The Mourning Forest - Grand Prix, Cannes 2007
Year of the Dog
Dead Girl

Favorites of 2006 (that I watched in 06)

Volver - Almodovar
Little Miss Sunshine - Dayton & Faris
Children of Men - Cuaron
Marie Antoinette - Coppola
The Departed - Coppola
Notes on a Scandal - Eyre
The Queen - Frears
The Last King of Scotland - Macdonald
The Fountain - Aronofsky
Half Nelson - Fleck

Christopher Guest's List of Favorite Films

Morning Edition, June 1, 2007 · Filmmaker and actor Christopher Guest is best known for his work in mockumentaries including This Is Spinal Tap, Best in Show and Waiting for Guffman. But ask him to name his favorite DVDs for personal viewing and his picks include not only comedies but violent and serious titles as well.

Laurel and Hardy: 'The Music Box': This 1932 title, featuring the legendary comedy duo trying to deliver a piano, is part of a series of Laurel and Hardy short films that Guest remembers watching as a child. "I started showing them to my son when he was about 6," he says. "His response was interesting. He actually fell off the couch laughing .... What's interesting about Laurel and Hardy is that in most comedy teams, there's a straight man and then there's the funny guy. And with Laurel and Hardy, they're both the funny guy."

The Honeymooners
: A collection of the 39 original episodes of the 1950s television comedy series starring Jackie Gleason, Art Carney and Audrey Meadows. "It has the feeling, very spontaneous," Guest says. "You see many times actors actually flubbing lines."

Why We Fight: The 2005 documentary about the military-industrial complex uses the same title as a World War II propaganda film. Guest says Eugene Jarecki's work is "a staggeringly good film. It's probably the best documentary I think I've ever seen, and I see a lot of documentaries."

Extras: Ricky Gervais, co-creator and star of the original British series The Office is back with Extras, a look at the pathetic life of a film extra trying to be much more. "Ricky has no fear of exposing this desperation that is so present and sad. In his case, he's a guy who has virtually never had any lines." Guest calls The Office and Extras "the best comedy that's been done in 25 years."

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb: Stanley Kubrick's 1964 classic black comedy about the madness of nuclear war starred Peter Sellers in multiple roles as well as George C. Scott. "Peter Sellers is my great comedy hero," Guest says.

Fargo: The 1996 Cohen brothers murder mystery starring William H. Macy and Frances McDormand is a confluence of black comedy and bloody violence, mixed with "strange moments of humanity," Guest says. "It's a remarkable feat."

Raging Bull: Martin Scorsese's brutal 1980 biography of boxer Jake LaMotta, starring Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci is "really quite a masterpiece in terms of everything working at the same time," Guest says. "It's infrequent that that happens — great performances and magical cinematography and great direction."


Read this Andrew
