I just make lists...that's all


To watch on delay tonight-4/7/11

Breaking In - Fox
Justified - FX
Top Chef Masters - Bravo

Last night I caught up on watching the series premiere of the AMC original series The Killing. It is wonderfully paced, well acted. It brings to mind the depth of character and steady drip of plot development of the Red Riding Trilogy.


What I Hope to Share with My Child: Culture


Being able to enjoy film and appreciate it on an artistic and/or narrative level has been something that has enriched and opened my life. It was instilled by insightful and creative parents and something I hope to be able to bring to my own child's life.

Mia and Migoo - I just came across the slide show for this beautiful hand-drawn French film, "Mia and the Migoo" which won the best-animated feature at the 2009 European Film Awards.